[Git][Version Control] Git - Introduction


Here is the series of Git full tutorial. I will cover the important and advanced topics that you should know in git. By reading this series, you are able to know the basic(but important) concept of Git and the technique of using git. Hope you can gain a lot !

Series Outline

I will follow the outline below in this series.

  • Introduction (this post)
  • Setup
  • Version Control & Commands (Basics)
  • Branching & Merging
  • Conflict
  • Collaboration & GitHub
  • Advanced Topics

Introduction to Git: A Distributed Version Control System

Git is a powerful and widely used distributed version control system designed to track changes in software development projects. It provides developers with the ability to collaborate on projects efficiently, manage codebases effectively, and easily track and revert changes.

Distributed Version Control System

In traditional software development, changes to a codebase were often managed through file-based systems or centralized version control systems. However, these approaches had limitations in terms of collaboration, scalability, and flexibility. Git emerged as a solution to these challenges, offering a distributed and decentralized approach to version control.

The special point of Git is that it supports distributed version control and can also easily share codes among multiple nodes.


Git manages code based on a tree structure, allowing branches to be created, merged, and deleted, and code versions to be saved at any time.


Git saves full snapshots of files, rather than differences, making it easy to restore all historical versions of files.

Recommended Resources

Mosh Git Tutorail